Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B Vaccination, Screening, and Testing – Three Things You Have to Know
1. Hepatitis B Vaccine for ALL 0 to 59 Years of Age
Hepatitis B Vaccine, HepB, will become a universal vaccine for children and adults in 2022. This means that all populations up to 59 years of age should complete the HepB series at any stage of life. If your HepB series needs to be completed or the vaccination status needs to be discovered, please talk to your healthcare provider or visit Imperial County Immunization Clinic or any pharmacy.
● Immunization Clinic
Imperial County Public Health Department
935 Broadway, El Centro, CA 92243
Phone: 442-265-1444
Hepatitis B Vaccine: What You Need to Know
2. One-Time Hepatitis B Screening for ALL 18 Years of Age and Over
A new recommendation announced in 2023 by CDC advises that all adults 18 years of age and over have hepatitis B screening at least once a life. The most crucial rationale is to detect chronic hepatitis B early, which is asymptomatic, transmittable, and not curable compared with acute hepatitis B, and to start antiviral treatment as soon as possible to prevent complications such as liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, or liver transplant. In the United States, prevalence of chronic hepatitis B is low at less than 2%. However, some of our LGBT+ communities are facing high risk for hepatitis B infection due to their activities. Thus, having a one-time hepatitis B screening will improve awareness and management of chronic hepatitis B in our communities. Please talk to your healthcare provider and ask them to order the following lab work for screening:
● Triple panel
○ HBsAg (HBV surface antigen)
○ anti-HBs (HBV surface antibody)
○ total anti-HBc (HBV core antibody, total)
Screening and Testing for Hepatitis B Virus Infection: CDC Recommendations
3. Periodic Hepatitis B Testing for Susceptible Persons in High-Risk Populations for Hepatitis B Infection
If you are susceptible to AND living in one or some of the high-risk situations of hepatitis B infection, periodic hepatitis B testing with the same lab work as hepatitis B screening is recommended. If these conditions apply to you, essential things are testing hepatitis B and subsequently completing the HepB series as soon as possible. A new recommendation says to you, “Don’t hesitate to ask for a hepatitis B test without disclosing any reason for the test in a clinic.”
Susceptible means:
● No history of or incomplete HepB series, OR
● Nonresponder to HepB series
High Risk means:
● Born in countries with a prevalence of chronic hepatitis B infection of
2% and over
● Born in the US but their parents were born in countries with a
prevalence of chronic hepatitis B infection of 8% and over
● Injecting drug
● HIV infection
● HCV infection, current
● HCV infection, past
● Men who have sex with men
● Sexually transmitted infection, current
● Sexually transmitted infection, past
● Multiple sex partners
● Household contacts with hepatitis B infected persons
● Needle-sharing or sexual contacts with hepatitis B infected persons
● Having dialysis
● Elevated liver enzymes, ALT or AST, with unknown origin
Email: info@ivlgbtcenter.com
Phone: +17605924066